Research for Proposal
Kadidia Kone-Merchant
Keiser University
Borivoje-Boris Djokic
Business Research methods
The business request for proposal, as described below, is an important plan for a supplier to a starting business. It has two main parts and each provides essential point to be considered during the research (text bk, Appendix A). The expert supplier, which could be from different sources, would first create the research for proposal, determine the issue which takes process. The research proposal must follow the steps for preparation of qualitative research proposal. The expert request for proposal must provide sufficient guidance in a way that the supporter can stipulate important data information to support the preparation of the qualitative research proposal and process (Mills, & Vreeland, 1997). The steps: point issues, research goals advantages, plan, information analysis, characteristic, budget, and outcome are detailed below. in prior to the management action. A specific example is given below including details about how to elaborate the business request for proposal to satisfy the business management into improving productivity.
Research for Proposal
The proposal is as an expert suggestion about a business production that can be perhaps a purchaser or a sponsor, to research and fix issues. There is time when a company decision making management needs to decide whether to outsource for an expert research supplier. The expert research supplier can be from outside business or in house professional. Let’s say I’m the research specialist for company X. I would first create the research for proposal, I was requested to propose a project research in improving a business operation. The expert research supplier must retain its integrity in its customers’ eyes. These customers being companies who outsources for external expert. So, I must rise again even better with excellence in consumer’s referring program.
The research proposal procedure according to Cooper, & Schindler, (2014) starts with
1) The research questionnaire, questions about the subject issues which must be determine
2) The fund and the standard appraisal to see if the available fund overweight the standard
3) The decision could arise without proper research which might return to point one.
4) Instead, it would move up to either the growth and dispersed external request for research or the internal growth research proposal.
The growth and dispersed external request for research
This would escalate to revising the expert choice of proposal then approved by the fund and the plan to enable the given research agreement and action.
The internal growth research proposal
This could escalate to few ways from the approved fund and plan: the decision could arise without proper research back to the beginning questionnaire or given research agreement follows by research action.
Now I nailed the issues that company X is going through. I suggest the issues to the decision makers. I propose them the helpful opportunity to widen their consumer’s base and processes. Therefore, I must elaborate a business research requests and proposals plan (Researchomatic. 2010).
Business Research Requests and Proposals
This is the treatment level that follows the research for proposal. Now that the expert research supplier advantage is mainly an opportunity for company X to solemnize the research procedure, this is including data documentation to justify and approve research gain. Company X is expecting the possibility of assessing other choices like alternative solutions from the expert research supplier while watching the expert handling and functioning within timing manners (Video Cooper & Schindler, 2006).
The plan must highly elaborate the clientele satisfaction because of the high level of market competition. All costs including meeting and marketing research costs are details that must be taking into consideration during the proposal plan and its elaboration to satisfy the decision makers expectation (Nowak, & Washburn, 1998).
Below research proposal preparation plan is derived from Vivar, McQueen, Whyte, & Navidad, (2007)’ study.
Example for Procedures Using the Above Preparation Research Proposal Plan
The is detailed and well oriented service quality plan to efficiently manage cost, clientel satisfaction in timely manners (Nowak, & Washburn, 1998).
b) The Findings. How were their services handled by the company staffs? Where employees seem happy to be there and serve the consumers? Were they enthusiastic? Were they dressed up clean and professional? Was performance and professionalism adopted? How satisfied each age group? And environment satisfaction in general. These are factual and no assumption findings. The goal of the research findings is to comprehend as much concerning the problems around the distinguished data collected for the research plan and its motivation (Onggo, & Hill, 2014). This is an opportunity for the consumer feedbacks and reviews. The survey using personal interview is conducted by the expert research proposal during a face to face interview with targeted customers. They must participate by answering questions and asking questions as well and the expert continuously takes notes. Another recommended way for interviewing the consumers and get their thoughts about company X is through the computer-assisted self or personal interviews, it is more practice, cheap, no much time consuming as the customer can take this survey at his or her convenience, no pressure (Cooper, & Schindler, 2014).
The research shows that the diversity employment is a must. The company must hire more French spoken employees for better customer’s service and relationship with the consumers. Take into account all the negative reviews and feedbacks for improvement purpose. Make employees happy and implement employee’s recognition or appreciation days. The work environment must be more enthusiastic with happy faces anywhere customers turn around.
The Company reaction
The last step of the preparation research proposal plan is to present it to the company decision making team that must act.
I remember our week first assignment question about applied research and basic pure research. I did my posting by answering that a well-elaborated research always provides substantial information to support a business and its decision-making group. The findings and recommending solutions must be applied to increase the company functioning. That is right, there is no reason or need to inquire a business request for proposal and to elaborate a research proposal preparation plan if they are not going to be applied for improvement and future references. Therefore, the company X must take action and applied the findings’ solution and recommendation for a better company, its profitability for continuous increase of customers.
Appendix A, Cooper, D. & Schindler, P. (2014). Business Research Methods 12th edition. Published by McGraw-Hill Irwin. New York, NY.
Cooper, D. & Schindler, P. (2014). Business Research Methods 12th edition. Published by McGraw-Hill Irwin. New York, NY.
Mills, J. R., & Vreeland, J. M. (1997). The financial evaluation process of RFPs in the gaming selection process. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 9(3), 407-434. Retrieved from
Nowak, L. I., & Washburn, J. H. (1998). Antecedents to client satisfaction in business services. The Journal of Services Marketing, 12(6), 441-452. doi:
Onggo, B. S. S., & Hill, J. (2014). Data identification and data collection methods in simulation: A case study at ORH ltd. Journal of Simulation, 8(3), 195-205. doi:
Oshikanlu, R. (2013). Use your voice speak up for your clients: The journal of the health visitors' association. Community Practitioner, 86(3), 36. Retrieved from
Researchomatic. ( 2010). Business Research Requests and Proposals. Retrieved 10 , 2010, from
Shutterstock. (2020). Wooden signpost - code of ethics concept (ethics, accountability, principles, integrity, values). Retrieved from
Video Cooper R. D. & Schindler, S. P. (2006). Business Research Methods 9e. McGraw.Hill. Retrieved from
Vivar, C. G., McQueen, A., Whyte, D. A., & Navidad, C. A. (2007). Getting started with qualitative research: Developing a research proposal. Nurse Researcher (through 2013), 14(3), 60-73. Retrieved from
Kadidia Kone-Merchant
Keiser University
Borivoje-Boris Djokic
Business Research methods
The business request for proposal, as described below, is an important plan for a supplier to a starting business. It has two main parts and each provides essential point to be considered during the research (text bk, Appendix A). The expert supplier, which could be from different sources, would first create the research for proposal, determine the issue which takes process. The research proposal must follow the steps for preparation of qualitative research proposal. The expert request for proposal must provide sufficient guidance in a way that the supporter can stipulate important data information to support the preparation of the qualitative research proposal and process (Mills, & Vreeland, 1997). The steps: point issues, research goals advantages, plan, information analysis, characteristic, budget, and outcome are detailed below. in prior to the management action. A specific example is given below including details about how to elaborate the business request for proposal to satisfy the business management into improving productivity.
Research for Proposal
The proposal is as an expert suggestion about a business production that can be perhaps a purchaser or a sponsor, to research and fix issues. There is time when a company decision making management needs to decide whether to outsource for an expert research supplier. The expert research supplier can be from outside business or in house professional. Let’s say I’m the research specialist for company X. I would first create the research for proposal, I was requested to propose a project research in improving a business operation. The expert research supplier must retain its integrity in its customers’ eyes. These customers being companies who outsources for external expert. So, I must rise again even better with excellence in consumer’s referring program.
The research proposal procedure according to Cooper, & Schindler, (2014) starts with
1) The research questionnaire, questions about the subject issues which must be determine
2) The fund and the standard appraisal to see if the available fund overweight the standard
3) The decision could arise without proper research which might return to point one.
4) Instead, it would move up to either the growth and dispersed external request for research or the internal growth research proposal.
The growth and dispersed external request for research
This would escalate to revising the expert choice of proposal then approved by the fund and the plan to enable the given research agreement and action.
The internal growth research proposal
This could escalate to few ways from the approved fund and plan: the decision could arise without proper research back to the beginning questionnaire or given research agreement follows by research action.
Now I nailed the issues that company X is going through. I suggest the issues to the decision makers. I propose them the helpful opportunity to widen their consumer’s base and processes. Therefore, I must elaborate a business research requests and proposals plan (Researchomatic. 2010).
Business Research Requests and Proposals
This is the treatment level that follows the research for proposal. Now that the expert research supplier advantage is mainly an opportunity for company X to solemnize the research procedure, this is including data documentation to justify and approve research gain. Company X is expecting the possibility of assessing other choices like alternative solutions from the expert research supplier while watching the expert handling and functioning within timing manners (Video Cooper & Schindler, 2006).
The plan must highly elaborate the clientele satisfaction because of the high level of market competition. All costs including meeting and marketing research costs are details that must be taking into consideration during the proposal plan and its elaboration to satisfy the decision makers expectation (Nowak, & Washburn, 1998).
Below research proposal preparation plan is derived from Vivar, McQueen, Whyte, & Navidad, (2007)’ study.
Example for Procedures Using the Above Preparation Research Proposal Plan
The is detailed and well oriented service quality plan to efficiently manage cost, clientel satisfaction in timely manners (Nowak, & Washburn, 1998).
- The subject looks for the specific situation that has been noticed and needs investigation. For example, the company X has lost customers, there are concerns that keep rising among staff members of the company. What could be reason for this situation? Is the company still operating same fashioned way.
- The bottom line of this situation is that for sometimes now, there have been few negative reviews about the company’s services related to its clientele’s satisfaction.
- The research proposal contribution to the knowledge is to investigate the situation and get to the bottom of it. This is done by research and study development.
- The proposal would define the concepts of loosing customers because of their dissatisfaction of the company services.
- The research direction is to check the quality of company X’s customer’s service and the services provided.
- The plan for the research direction is appropriate for the expert research proposal to shadow company’s staff while operating with the consumers. Knowing the company X standard, and business policy, the expert research proposal observes the service, the quality, the time it takes, the outcome, how satisfy the customer is, and document all findings (Oshikanlu, 2013).
- This is where the findings must be presented. The model is to first explain the data and then report findings that were documented.
b) The Findings. How were their services handled by the company staffs? Where employees seem happy to be there and serve the consumers? Were they enthusiastic? Were they dressed up clean and professional? Was performance and professionalism adopted? How satisfied each age group? And environment satisfaction in general. These are factual and no assumption findings. The goal of the research findings is to comprehend as much concerning the problems around the distinguished data collected for the research plan and its motivation (Onggo, & Hill, 2014). This is an opportunity for the consumer feedbacks and reviews. The survey using personal interview is conducted by the expert research proposal during a face to face interview with targeted customers. They must participate by answering questions and asking questions as well and the expert continuously takes notes. Another recommended way for interviewing the consumers and get their thoughts about company X is through the computer-assisted self or personal interviews, it is more practice, cheap, no much time consuming as the customer can take this survey at his or her convenience, no pressure (Cooper, & Schindler, 2014).
- This is where the data is being analyzed, the credibility is very important because the research is based on the findings. For example, company X most clientele for their services are female aged between 26 to 50 all ethics but recently more French cultural descend. There was almost no French spoken employee from the staff members. Their needs were not better assessed because language barrier, less resource and the customer service were not adequate to favor the clientele needs, feedback was not provided or made easier for consumers.
- The moral and ethical problems is to be assessed. Staff members and all employees must be aware of the company policy, rules and regulation to be adopted. If not, there will be breach of confidentiality to hurt the company integrity. Is there any unethical condition going on to discourage the customers? Examples: overcharging clienteles with fees, selling clienteles’ information without their consents, conducting a research on them without their approval, or raising fee on proposal documentation that really does not need to be.
- Limitation of the research and outcome dissemination determine that all the above steppes have a limit to not overdo any details. Research and data collection all must be limited because of cost and time scheduled to not exceed any of them. Only relevant points must be defined for research purpose. Before spreading information about findings, it must be cleared, verified, and proven,; therefore no mistake.
- The timing for business research requests and proposals depends on the contract between the company and the expert research proposal. The time is planned to ensure enough period is allowed for completing the research (Cooper, & Schindler, 2014).
- In conclusion, the main element of this research is the issues, the reason for these issues, what could these issues cause to the business, the recommendations and action.
The research shows that the diversity employment is a must. The company must hire more French spoken employees for better customer’s service and relationship with the consumers. Take into account all the negative reviews and feedbacks for improvement purpose. Make employees happy and implement employee’s recognition or appreciation days. The work environment must be more enthusiastic with happy faces anywhere customers turn around.
The Company reaction
The last step of the preparation research proposal plan is to present it to the company decision making team that must act.
I remember our week first assignment question about applied research and basic pure research. I did my posting by answering that a well-elaborated research always provides substantial information to support a business and its decision-making group. The findings and recommending solutions must be applied to increase the company functioning. That is right, there is no reason or need to inquire a business request for proposal and to elaborate a research proposal preparation plan if they are not going to be applied for improvement and future references. Therefore, the company X must take action and applied the findings’ solution and recommendation for a better company, its profitability for continuous increase of customers.
Appendix A, Cooper, D. & Schindler, P. (2014). Business Research Methods 12th edition. Published by McGraw-Hill Irwin. New York, NY.
Cooper, D. & Schindler, P. (2014). Business Research Methods 12th edition. Published by McGraw-Hill Irwin. New York, NY.
Mills, J. R., & Vreeland, J. M. (1997). The financial evaluation process of RFPs in the gaming selection process. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 9(3), 407-434. Retrieved from
Nowak, L. I., & Washburn, J. H. (1998). Antecedents to client satisfaction in business services. The Journal of Services Marketing, 12(6), 441-452. doi:
Onggo, B. S. S., & Hill, J. (2014). Data identification and data collection methods in simulation: A case study at ORH ltd. Journal of Simulation, 8(3), 195-205. doi:
Oshikanlu, R. (2013). Use your voice speak up for your clients: The journal of the health visitors' association. Community Practitioner, 86(3), 36. Retrieved from
Researchomatic. ( 2010). Business Research Requests and Proposals. Retrieved 10 , 2010, from
Shutterstock. (2020). Wooden signpost - code of ethics concept (ethics, accountability, principles, integrity, values). Retrieved from
Video Cooper R. D. & Schindler, S. P. (2006). Business Research Methods 9e. McGraw.Hill. Retrieved from
Vivar, C. G., McQueen, A., Whyte, D. A., & Navidad, C. A. (2007). Getting started with qualitative research: Developing a research proposal. Nurse Researcher (through 2013), 14(3), 60-73. Retrieved from
Patient Rights Protection and Issues
Kadidia Kone-Merchant
Keiser University
Dr. Shon R. Denton
Corporate Compliance
All patients have the same right for care, especially those in managed care. Patients also have right to decide for their care unless they are not in the right state to do so. They must have a step by step full understanding of their care, nothing left out in order for the patients to sign any consent form (Showalter, 2017). Problems still might occur, in some case misinformation and in other case, just the patient’s incompetence which could be reviewed; see details below.
Patient Rights Protection and Issues
The Consent Forms and Processes
The right for care and protection comes with statement that patients must acknowledge before care is being provided. A patient that is old enough and that has all his mind together to think right should be able to decide for his or her own care and before singing any document, should be rightfully informed of all treatment methods and risks. That stated, to avoid any misinformation issues for doctors and hospitals or practices, there are couple of consent measures to take: 1) have the patient consent for the pre consult which gives the care center to register the patient and take vitals sign. This main step is mandatory to all individual seeking for care. 2) The doctor provides that consent form for the patient to be signed for further treatment. The patient must fully understand this procedures or operation including risks and all potential outcome.
It must be translated into patient’s language even if the practice calls on interpreters in case of language barrier. Unless the patient is a minor or not all mind together to decide for oneself, otherwise he or she is considerate capable or competent to decide what he or she thinks is best for himself or herself. Signature of such consent is obligated before treatment and or operation. According to Showalter, (2017) this second consent measure must cover the doctor name and any other practitioner or care personal involve, the procedure or operation description, the patient’s full understanding of it including statement which proves it, and the administration acknowledge.
The Critical Issues
Although all patients including those in managed care like the Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, have equal access to emergency care, inpatient and outpatient care, second opinion right if there is need, and the right in assured workable coverage in timely manners according to Patients’ Right, (2001); many problems can still occur in the patient protection right. They need care they will get it, but they may not want that care. Patients have the right to refuse treatment especially if they are competent. If that is their wish, then so be it. No one can usually oblige them to take that treatment.
The patient incompetency means he or she cannot make care decision for own self like a minor, a vegetative stage patient, a down syndrome, or could just be a patient that looks right but is not making common sense in self-care decision making.
This last case could be due to the fact that they do not fully understand the consent but sign it anyway which could lead to miscommunication issues later. Sometimes, they do know the risk for not consenting treatment and still do not want to go for it.
To save life, to guard innocent love ones, to conserve doctor’s care moral and truthiness, the law might permit the care providers to review the incompetent patients’ wish. In that case there must be family members to decide within what criterion to practice and directing the care to a well determined process to follow (Showalter, 2017).
Patient Rights Protection and Issues
The Consent Forms and Processes
A patient that is old enough and that has all his mind together to think right should be able to decide for care and before singing any document, should be rightfully inform of all treatment methods and risks. That stated, to avoid any misinformation issues for doctors and hospitals or practices, there are couple of consent measures to take: 1) have the patient consent for the pre consult which gives the care center to register the patient and take vitals sign. This main step is mandatory to all individual seeking for care. 2) The doctor provides that consent form for the patient to be signed for further treatment. The patient must fully understand this procedures or operation including risks and all potential outcome. It must translate into patient’s language in case of language barrier unless the patient is a minor or not all mind together to decide for oneself. Otherwise, complete understanding of care operation is obligated before signature of such consent. According to Showalter, (2017) this consent measure must cover the doctor name and any other practitioner or care personal involve, the procedure or operation description, the patient’s full understanding of it including statement which proves that, and the administration acknowledge.
The Critical Issues
Many problems can still occur in patient protection right. Patients have the right to refuse treatment especially if they are competent. The patient incompetency means he or she cannot make care decision for own self like a minor, a vegetative stage patient, a down syndrome, or could just be a patient that looks right but is not making common sense in self-care decision making. This situation could be due to fact the they do not fully understand the consent but sign anyway which could lead to miscommunication issues later; or they do know the risk for not consenting treatment and still do not want to go for it. To save life, to guard innocent love ones, to conserve doctor’s care moral and truthiness, the law might permit the care providers to review the incompetent patients’ wish. In that case there must be family members to decide within what criterion to practice and in which process to follow (Showalter, 2017).
Patients wishes are important for care providers, the law stated they have the right for care, they must be protected, and they have the right to refuse care as long as they are capable of doing so, it is their choice. If not, family members and the practice ethics must care for the patient by providing the right care. Issues and misunderstanding may always rise that is the main reason why there are consents forms to protect patients and care givers. These are signed legal documents that doctors explained to patients and upon fully acknowledge, patients would sign them knowing all the risks and approve the treatment if they so want to.
Patients' right protection regulations proposed. (2001). Health Care Financing Review, 23(1), 186. Retrieved from
Showalter, S. (2017). The Law of Healthcare Administration. (8th Ed.). Health Administration Press: Chicago, IL.
Kadidia Kone-Merchant
Keiser University
Dr. Shon R. Denton
Corporate Compliance
All patients have the same right for care, especially those in managed care. Patients also have right to decide for their care unless they are not in the right state to do so. They must have a step by step full understanding of their care, nothing left out in order for the patients to sign any consent form (Showalter, 2017). Problems still might occur, in some case misinformation and in other case, just the patient’s incompetence which could be reviewed; see details below.
Patient Rights Protection and Issues
The Consent Forms and Processes
The right for care and protection comes with statement that patients must acknowledge before care is being provided. A patient that is old enough and that has all his mind together to think right should be able to decide for his or her own care and before singing any document, should be rightfully informed of all treatment methods and risks. That stated, to avoid any misinformation issues for doctors and hospitals or practices, there are couple of consent measures to take: 1) have the patient consent for the pre consult which gives the care center to register the patient and take vitals sign. This main step is mandatory to all individual seeking for care. 2) The doctor provides that consent form for the patient to be signed for further treatment. The patient must fully understand this procedures or operation including risks and all potential outcome.
It must be translated into patient’s language even if the practice calls on interpreters in case of language barrier. Unless the patient is a minor or not all mind together to decide for oneself, otherwise he or she is considerate capable or competent to decide what he or she thinks is best for himself or herself. Signature of such consent is obligated before treatment and or operation. According to Showalter, (2017) this second consent measure must cover the doctor name and any other practitioner or care personal involve, the procedure or operation description, the patient’s full understanding of it including statement which proves it, and the administration acknowledge.
The Critical Issues
Although all patients including those in managed care like the Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, have equal access to emergency care, inpatient and outpatient care, second opinion right if there is need, and the right in assured workable coverage in timely manners according to Patients’ Right, (2001); many problems can still occur in the patient protection right. They need care they will get it, but they may not want that care. Patients have the right to refuse treatment especially if they are competent. If that is their wish, then so be it. No one can usually oblige them to take that treatment.
The patient incompetency means he or she cannot make care decision for own self like a minor, a vegetative stage patient, a down syndrome, or could just be a patient that looks right but is not making common sense in self-care decision making.
This last case could be due to the fact that they do not fully understand the consent but sign it anyway which could lead to miscommunication issues later. Sometimes, they do know the risk for not consenting treatment and still do not want to go for it.
To save life, to guard innocent love ones, to conserve doctor’s care moral and truthiness, the law might permit the care providers to review the incompetent patients’ wish. In that case there must be family members to decide within what criterion to practice and directing the care to a well determined process to follow (Showalter, 2017).
Patient Rights Protection and Issues
The Consent Forms and Processes
A patient that is old enough and that has all his mind together to think right should be able to decide for care and before singing any document, should be rightfully inform of all treatment methods and risks. That stated, to avoid any misinformation issues for doctors and hospitals or practices, there are couple of consent measures to take: 1) have the patient consent for the pre consult which gives the care center to register the patient and take vitals sign. This main step is mandatory to all individual seeking for care. 2) The doctor provides that consent form for the patient to be signed for further treatment. The patient must fully understand this procedures or operation including risks and all potential outcome. It must translate into patient’s language in case of language barrier unless the patient is a minor or not all mind together to decide for oneself. Otherwise, complete understanding of care operation is obligated before signature of such consent. According to Showalter, (2017) this consent measure must cover the doctor name and any other practitioner or care personal involve, the procedure or operation description, the patient’s full understanding of it including statement which proves that, and the administration acknowledge.
The Critical Issues
Many problems can still occur in patient protection right. Patients have the right to refuse treatment especially if they are competent. The patient incompetency means he or she cannot make care decision for own self like a minor, a vegetative stage patient, a down syndrome, or could just be a patient that looks right but is not making common sense in self-care decision making. This situation could be due to fact the they do not fully understand the consent but sign anyway which could lead to miscommunication issues later; or they do know the risk for not consenting treatment and still do not want to go for it. To save life, to guard innocent love ones, to conserve doctor’s care moral and truthiness, the law might permit the care providers to review the incompetent patients’ wish. In that case there must be family members to decide within what criterion to practice and in which process to follow (Showalter, 2017).
Patients wishes are important for care providers, the law stated they have the right for care, they must be protected, and they have the right to refuse care as long as they are capable of doing so, it is their choice. If not, family members and the practice ethics must care for the patient by providing the right care. Issues and misunderstanding may always rise that is the main reason why there are consents forms to protect patients and care givers. These are signed legal documents that doctors explained to patients and upon fully acknowledge, patients would sign them knowing all the risks and approve the treatment if they so want to.
Patients' right protection regulations proposed. (2001). Health Care Financing Review, 23(1), 186. Retrieved from
Showalter, S. (2017). The Law of Healthcare Administration. (8th Ed.). Health Administration Press: Chicago, IL.
Leadership in Health Care Management
This leadership is one of the hardest ones as leaders deal with patients’ satisfaction and comfortable healthcare environment for providers, patients and any other contractors. For a best care possible, patients are always first. Forces change occur most often in healthcare administration setting and resistance is forbidden because no time to debate especially when there is death or life situation. By example during swine flu epidemy, patients isolating rooms increases, and patients care facilities turn to the wrong place to be for other patients coming for different diseases. The risk of catching flu is higher than any other facilities unless forces change disposition are taken within timing manners. This advanced leadership skill needs to be taught in graduate school. Carraher, & Zittle, (2008)’s study on health care administration leadership, emphasized this type of leadership education. Advanced technology is continuously innovating at a faster rate therefore leaders’ education must be updated for successful quality care. They must know how to lead, manage and practice tasks. This research is one of the most outstanding educational programs for tomorrow healthcare leaders. Master of science in health care program management must fulfil technology advanced care, demand in healthcare service administration, and well-developed organizational leadership.
Leadership in an Organization
Leadership is a capability for an individual to influence the distinctive mental and moral qualities of others within an organization. It’s like possessing an effect on others, their conducts and action. It enables them to participate with desire and willingness into common goal. It’s about inspiring employees into using their high skills and potential for a successful organization. A leader values and serves other employees by mentoring them to facilitate tasks toward common organizational growth and interest.
Every organization has a goal that must be reach. For that, a leader must show trust, self-confidence. He or she must have a self-conceptual ability to believe on, must be convincing, persuasive with great personality and communication skill. A leader knows better the task to be elaborate. He or she is being motivated to use intelligence critical thinking and planning tasks to make them easier for employees including him or herself. Therefore, anybody can be a leader with a great team-work mindset in an organization. That is a leading role and not a title.
Forces Change
A leader can induce forces change in an organization as he or she retains this inspiring and motivating skills to engage employees into working hard toward an objective that must attain the organization success. Change become easier when the leader build commitment to the objective; elaborates and communicates technics that permit to visualized outstanding future, showing model and giving support into experiment.
Management’ Leadership
Management in an organization is a position, a title well designed to operate the business by controlling and directing workers and activities. He or she is in charge of the organizational’ operation, to grow business and keep the efficiency of task and service unit toward goal set. Therefore, a manager makes an organization operating right. An effective management possesses work and employees-oriented leadership, he or she does it right.
1) Work Oriented Leadership: a managerial leadership delegates task and make responsibility clear upon set objective. It assesses and enables feedback on task quality; it sets up clear task process. It designs and plans future work activities.
2) Employees Oriented Leadership: a managerial leadership valued others interest, pay attention to other employees, their comfort and their needs. It considers and appreciates them for their enthusiastic participation.
Other characteristics of Leadership
There is trait theory of leadership and there is process theory of leadership
In trait theory, leaders are born with leading while in process theory, it is the practical part of the leadership described above
Leadership in Health Care Management
This leadership is one of the hardest ones as leaders deal with patients’ satisfaction and comfortable healthcare environment for providers, patients and any other contractors. For a best care possible, patients are always first. Forces change occur most often in healthcare administration setting and resistance is forbidden because no time to debate especially when there is death or life situation. By example during swine flu epidemy, patients isolating rooms increases, and patients care facilities turn to the wrong place to be for other patients coming for different diseases. The risk of catching flu is higher than any other facilities unless forces change disposition are taken within timing manners. This advanced leadership skill needs to be taught in graduate school. Carraher, & Zittle, (2008)’s study on health care administration leadership, emphasized this type of leadership education. Advanced technology is continuously innovating at a faster rate therefore leaders’ education must be updated for successful quality care. They must know how to lead, manage and practice tasks. This research is one of the most outstanding educational programs for tomorrow healthcare leaders. Master of science in health care program management must fulfil technology advanced care, demand in healthcare service administration, and well-developed organizational leadership.
Leadership in an Organization
Leadership is a capability for an individual to influence the distinctive mental and moral qualities of others within an organization. It’s like possessing an effect on others, their conducts and action. It enables them to participate with desire and willingness into common goal. It’s about inspiring employees into using their high skills and potential for a successful organization. A leader values and serves other employees by mentoring them to facilitate tasks toward common organizational growth and interest.
Every organization has a goal that must be reach. For that, a leader must show trust, self-confidence. He or she must have a self-conceptual ability to believe on, must be convincing, persuasive with great personality and communication skill. A leader knows better the task to be elaborate. He or she is being motivated to use intelligence critical thinking and planning tasks to make them easier for employees including him or herself. Therefore, anybody can be a leader with a great team-work mindset in an organization. That is a leading role and not a title.
Forces Change
A leader can induce forces change in an organization as he or she retains this inspiring and motivating skills to engage employees into working hard toward an objective that must attain the organization success. Change become easier when the leader build commitment to the objective; elaborates and communicates technics that permit to visualized outstanding future, showing model and giving support into experiment.
Management’ Leadership
Management in an organization is a position, a title well designed to operate the business by controlling and directing workers and activities. He or she is in charge of the organizational’ operation, to grow business and keep the efficiency of task and service unit toward goal set. Therefore, a manager makes an organization operating right. An effective management possesses work and employees-oriented leadership, he or she does it right.
1) Work Oriented Leadership: a managerial leadership delegates task and make responsibility clear upon set objective. It assesses and enables feedback on task quality; it sets up clear task process. It designs and plans future work activities.
2) Employees Oriented Leadership: a managerial leadership valued others interest, pay attention to other employees, their comfort and their needs. It considers and appreciates them for their enthusiastic participation.
Other characteristics of Leadership
There is trait theory of leadership and there is process theory of leadership
In trait theory, leaders are born with leading while in process theory, it is the practical part of the leadership described above
International Humanitarian Operations Management
Kadidia Kone-Merchant
Keiser University
Operations Management
Dr. Salas-Amaro
Operation humanitarian management oversea has a tremendous positive effect on world disasters. Tragedies and many other types of disasters happen for many reasons. They do happen around the world all the times for decades. Humanitarian operations have tasks that attempt to further human well-being and comfort. International Humanitarian Operations Management (IHOM) are assertive in caring tasks for unfortunate people during difficult times. As the world crisis increases, reliability is required. These operations need further management research for relief planning. The international humanitarian operations, like any other business, can implement research like quality demand forecasting strategies, management leadership to delimit operating issues and facilitate the IHOM’s tasks. International humanitarian can improve its purpose by administering system dynamic tools and advanced technology for agility and effective operations. Its services can be managed using logistics to assesses all its compliances. Reliability can be improved, and management leadership can be done at a lower cost while increasing human assets.
Research has been developed about the humanitarian operation management, the humanitarian chain of supply, and its capacity to relief quickly by schools and corporation. As stated by Behl, & Dutta, (2018) the humanitarian chain of supply management has been wisely studied and its relief has been academically carried out by scientists and researchers during many debates. Humanitarian network operation world wise is significant and indispensable to protect and serve human being, and well-fare. There are decision consequences during relief when management operation bottleneck with complexity relief. For that, researches are implemented to describe disasters. They provide agility solutions to how quickly respond to disasters around the world effectively using outstanding management operating service in addition to advance technology. It is called the international humanitarian operations management to gather goods or any other relief materials to logistics locations where needs are at affordable cost to the organization.
International Humanitarian Operations Management (IHOM)
Humanitarian operations are relief services provided by non-profit organizations and government-military actions determinate to secure, protect and assist those in need. IHOM are well known as charitable organizations from fortunate who can afford it to unfortunates who relate on it during crisis and hard time. Circumstances direct the operating locations to where needs are. Therefore, location decision is where the crisis is happening which number has been increasing for many years now (Bumgardner, 2004). They are including and not limited to:
Military action is often solution in complement of non-profit organizations to relief some disasters caused by human. For instance, in war disasters, military force prevents excessive massacre and bring peace. It enables charity and non-profit organizations operations which attempt to restore human being comfort in war zone (Bumgardner, 2004). Non-profits actions such as rescuing and providing well-being in natural disasters are in high level of demand as the number of disasters increases around the globe. For that, they are numerous organizations attempting to do same which brings competitions. Donors need to be confident, government compliances need to be acquired for a unique, effective, and legit IHOM. For distinctive and uniqueness operations just like any other business, IHOM must further its managing research on relief planning to prevent operating decision bottleneck:
Below is an example of system Dynamic in two zones, A and B relief (Sweden Innovation Unit, 2018)
IHOM is necessary for disasters relief, therefore researches found out that IHOM must operate as an assertive company to support human well-fare during hard time. The international humanitarian needs to implement great leadership management with advanced technology and system dynamic tools to easy data access. Its services must be managed using logistics which assesses its integrity, its legit, its moral, and its government compliances as explained above. For all operation management services, researches must continue to improve world relief service within respective boundary to ease its service and keep its integrity.
Behl, A., & Dutta, P. (2018). Humanitarian supply chain management: A thematic literature review and future directions of research. Annals of Operations Research, , 1-44. doi:
Besiou, M., Stapleton, O., & Van Wassenhove, L.,N. (2011). System dynamics for humanitarian operations. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 1(1), 78-103. doi:
Bumgardner, J. N. (2004). Choices to save the suffering: What prompts humanitarian military intervention?(Order No. 3160869). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (305197220). Retrieved from
Business agility: Business agility supports chordiant software and addresses risk reduction through agile process management service. (2004, Jun 21). M2 Presswire Retrieved from
Heaslip, G. (2013). Services operations management and humanitarian logistics.Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 3(1), 37-51. doi:
Hoffman, T. (1992). Retailers, manufacturers applaud quick response.Computerworld, 26(15), 15. Retrieved from
Gustafson, C. E. (2006). Accountability, transparency and sarbanes oxley issues in twin cities social services nonprofits (Order No. 3269162). Available from ProQuest Central; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (304920287). Retrieved from
Sweden Innovation Unit. (2018). Medecin Sans Frontieres. Leveraging System Dynamics Modelling for Humanitarian Response. Retrieved from
Kadidia Kone-Merchant
Keiser University
Operations Management
Dr. Salas-Amaro
Operation humanitarian management oversea has a tremendous positive effect on world disasters. Tragedies and many other types of disasters happen for many reasons. They do happen around the world all the times for decades. Humanitarian operations have tasks that attempt to further human well-being and comfort. International Humanitarian Operations Management (IHOM) are assertive in caring tasks for unfortunate people during difficult times. As the world crisis increases, reliability is required. These operations need further management research for relief planning. The international humanitarian operations, like any other business, can implement research like quality demand forecasting strategies, management leadership to delimit operating issues and facilitate the IHOM’s tasks. International humanitarian can improve its purpose by administering system dynamic tools and advanced technology for agility and effective operations. Its services can be managed using logistics to assesses all its compliances. Reliability can be improved, and management leadership can be done at a lower cost while increasing human assets.
Research has been developed about the humanitarian operation management, the humanitarian chain of supply, and its capacity to relief quickly by schools and corporation. As stated by Behl, & Dutta, (2018) the humanitarian chain of supply management has been wisely studied and its relief has been academically carried out by scientists and researchers during many debates. Humanitarian network operation world wise is significant and indispensable to protect and serve human being, and well-fare. There are decision consequences during relief when management operation bottleneck with complexity relief. For that, researches are implemented to describe disasters. They provide agility solutions to how quickly respond to disasters around the world effectively using outstanding management operating service in addition to advance technology. It is called the international humanitarian operations management to gather goods or any other relief materials to logistics locations where needs are at affordable cost to the organization.
International Humanitarian Operations Management (IHOM)
Humanitarian operations are relief services provided by non-profit organizations and government-military actions determinate to secure, protect and assist those in need. IHOM are well known as charitable organizations from fortunate who can afford it to unfortunates who relate on it during crisis and hard time. Circumstances direct the operating locations to where needs are. Therefore, location decision is where the crisis is happening which number has been increasing for many years now (Bumgardner, 2004). They are including and not limited to:
- Natural disasters, by example hurricane, earthquake, arising destructive fire, volcano, land sliding, water floating, famine and human diseases.
- Human disaster, by example war resulting in poverty and diseases, terrorism attack, human sufferance, lack of education, gas spills, environmental pollution, water and air infesting.
Military action is often solution in complement of non-profit organizations to relief some disasters caused by human. For instance, in war disasters, military force prevents excessive massacre and bring peace. It enables charity and non-profit organizations operations which attempt to restore human being comfort in war zone (Bumgardner, 2004). Non-profits actions such as rescuing and providing well-being in natural disasters are in high level of demand as the number of disasters increases around the globe. For that, they are numerous organizations attempting to do same which brings competitions. Donors need to be confident, government compliances need to be acquired for a unique, effective, and legit IHOM. For distinctive and uniqueness operations just like any other business, IHOM must further its managing research on relief planning to prevent operating decision bottleneck:
- The quality demand forecasting strategies depending on the type of relief, the cost the accuracy, and past data information must be considering by the IHOM to cover needs. For example, in case of hurricane disaster in a small town of Guinea, IHMO must predict using strategies to define the amount of people, the amount of goods to supply, the cost for shipping goods, the accuracy of the disasters. For that, there must be similar disasters in the past that IHMO rescued before and that data can be used for reference purposes.
- The managing leadership to delimit operating issues research. With a real supply chain, Qualified management leadership protect assets and does not underestimate its competitors. This is where there is no miss communication, therefore communication and service planning are outstanding; goods move fast, demand is accurate to cover needs. An experienced managing leadership can also delimit operating issues by expanding and innovating business plan, using critical thinking for better decision-making process to prevent the operation failure. (Week 1 Pp Chpt.1). Research on responsibility, liability, clarity and lucidity of humanitarian operating management must be done for government compliances and in the eyes of donors / sponsors as some non-profit organizations are not accountable. They could just be there for profit. To delimitate all temptation, this investigating measurement assess leaders’ view of the IHOM integrity and consistency, with transparency requirement (Gustafson, 2006).
- The agility tools and advanced technology with logistics for assessment purpose, do increases assets. When it comes to supply chain transition in logistics, there is potential to improve data information, to watch procurement, transactions and other important resources in the humanitarian logistic, to master the humanitarian tasks (Heaslip, 2013). As I explained in my week 2 discussion about agility, distinct businesses can lessen their risk management while increasing productivity (Business Agility, 2004). In recent advanced technology, according to Hoffman, (1992), quick response is professionally established between organizations and donors’ representative to communicate and raise fund using internet, electronic data and electronic money transfer in the world fastest way. In case of high demand, goods can be provided faster, transactions are made easier, volunteering can be done faster online if more workers are needed, organization can keep track of productivity and downside of the business because all accounting and information are updated and exanimated online at lower cost. In this way, response to relief demands are quick, and favorable.
- The System Dynamic is a research finding model that ease data retrieving process for effective decision making. The system dynamic keeps the relief operation outstanding for well-developed program. In the case of complex humanitarian process during relief operation, the system dynamic can keep track of movement fleet management according to Besiou, Stapleton, & Van Wassenhove, (2011).
Below is an example of system Dynamic in two zones, A and B relief (Sweden Innovation Unit, 2018)
IHOM is necessary for disasters relief, therefore researches found out that IHOM must operate as an assertive company to support human well-fare during hard time. The international humanitarian needs to implement great leadership management with advanced technology and system dynamic tools to easy data access. Its services must be managed using logistics which assesses its integrity, its legit, its moral, and its government compliances as explained above. For all operation management services, researches must continue to improve world relief service within respective boundary to ease its service and keep its integrity.
Behl, A., & Dutta, P. (2018). Humanitarian supply chain management: A thematic literature review and future directions of research. Annals of Operations Research, , 1-44. doi:
Besiou, M., Stapleton, O., & Van Wassenhove, L.,N. (2011). System dynamics for humanitarian operations. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 1(1), 78-103. doi:
Bumgardner, J. N. (2004). Choices to save the suffering: What prompts humanitarian military intervention?(Order No. 3160869). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (305197220). Retrieved from
Business agility: Business agility supports chordiant software and addresses risk reduction through agile process management service. (2004, Jun 21). M2 Presswire Retrieved from
Heaslip, G. (2013). Services operations management and humanitarian logistics.Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 3(1), 37-51. doi:
Hoffman, T. (1992). Retailers, manufacturers applaud quick response.Computerworld, 26(15), 15. Retrieved from
Gustafson, C. E. (2006). Accountability, transparency and sarbanes oxley issues in twin cities social services nonprofits (Order No. 3269162). Available from ProQuest Central; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (304920287). Retrieved from
Sweden Innovation Unit. (2018). Medecin Sans Frontieres. Leveraging System Dynamics Modelling for Humanitarian Response. Retrieved from
The Marketing Plan
As a marketer, you’ll need a good marketing plan to provide direction and focus for your brand, product, or company. With a detained plan, any business will be better prepared to launch a new product or build sales for existing products. Non-profit organizations also use marketing plans to guide their fundraising and outreach efforts. Even government agencies put together marketing plans for initiatives such as building public awareness of proper nutrition and stimulating area tourism.
The Purpose and Content of a Marketing Plan
Unlike a business plan, which offers a broad overview of the entire organizations mission, objectives, strategy, and resource allocation, a marketing plan has a more limited scope, it serves to document how the organization’s strategic objectives will be achieved through specific marketing strategies and tactics, with the customer as the starting point.
The Role of Research
To develop successful strategies and action plans, marketers need to up date information about the environment, the competition, and the market segments to be served. Marketing Research helps marketers learn more about their customers’ requirements, expectations, perceptions, and satisfaction levels. This deeper understanding provides a foundation for building competitive advantage through well-informed segmenting, targeting, and positioning decisions.
The Role of Relationships
The marketing plan shows how the company will establish and maintain profitable customer relationships. The relationships affect how marketing personnel work with each other and with other departments to deliver value and satisfy customers. It also affects how the company works with other stakeholders that include suppliers, distributors, strategic alliance partners, government regulators, media and the community at large to achieve the objectives listed in the plan.
From Marketing Plan to Marketing Action
Companies generally create yearly marketing plans, but some plans may cover a longer period. Marketers start planning well in advance of the implementation date to allow time for marketing research, thorough analysis, management review, and the necessary coordination of departments.
For effective implementation and control, the marketing plan should define how progress toward objectives will be measured. Managers typically use budgets, schedules, and performance standards for monitoring and evaluating results. With budgets, they can compare planned expenditures with actual expenditures for a given week, month, or other period. Performance standards track the outcomes of marketing programs to see whether the company is moving forward toward its objectives.
The Major Parts of the Marketing Plan
1. The Executive Summary
This section summarizes the main goals, recommendations, and points as an overview for senior managers who must read and approve the marketing plan. Generally a table of contents follows this section, for management convenience.
2. Current Marketing Situation
In this section, marketing managers discuss the overall market, identify the market segments they will target, and provide information about the company’s current situation.
c. Product Review
The product review should summarize the main features for all of the company’s products. The information may be organized by product line, by type of customer, by market, or by the order of product introduction.
d. Competitive Review
The purpose of the competitive review is to identify the competitors, describe their market positions, and briefly discuss their strategies.
e.Distribution Review
In this section, marketers list the important channels, provide an overview of each channel arrangement, and mention any new developments or trend
As a marketer, you’ll need a good marketing plan to provide direction and focus for your brand, product, or company. With a detained plan, any business will be better prepared to launch a new product or build sales for existing products. Non-profit organizations also use marketing plans to guide their fundraising and outreach efforts. Even government agencies put together marketing plans for initiatives such as building public awareness of proper nutrition and stimulating area tourism.
The Purpose and Content of a Marketing Plan
Unlike a business plan, which offers a broad overview of the entire organizations mission, objectives, strategy, and resource allocation, a marketing plan has a more limited scope, it serves to document how the organization’s strategic objectives will be achieved through specific marketing strategies and tactics, with the customer as the starting point.
The Role of Research
To develop successful strategies and action plans, marketers need to up date information about the environment, the competition, and the market segments to be served. Marketing Research helps marketers learn more about their customers’ requirements, expectations, perceptions, and satisfaction levels. This deeper understanding provides a foundation for building competitive advantage through well-informed segmenting, targeting, and positioning decisions.
The Role of Relationships
The marketing plan shows how the company will establish and maintain profitable customer relationships. The relationships affect how marketing personnel work with each other and with other departments to deliver value and satisfy customers. It also affects how the company works with other stakeholders that include suppliers, distributors, strategic alliance partners, government regulators, media and the community at large to achieve the objectives listed in the plan.
From Marketing Plan to Marketing Action
Companies generally create yearly marketing plans, but some plans may cover a longer period. Marketers start planning well in advance of the implementation date to allow time for marketing research, thorough analysis, management review, and the necessary coordination of departments.
For effective implementation and control, the marketing plan should define how progress toward objectives will be measured. Managers typically use budgets, schedules, and performance standards for monitoring and evaluating results. With budgets, they can compare planned expenditures with actual expenditures for a given week, month, or other period. Performance standards track the outcomes of marketing programs to see whether the company is moving forward toward its objectives.
The Major Parts of the Marketing Plan
1. The Executive Summary
This section summarizes the main goals, recommendations, and points as an overview for senior managers who must read and approve the marketing plan. Generally a table of contents follows this section, for management convenience.
2. Current Marketing Situation
In this section, marketing managers discuss the overall market, identify the market segments they will target, and provide information about the company’s current situation.
- Market Description
- Benefits and Product Features
c. Product Review
The product review should summarize the main features for all of the company’s products. The information may be organized by product line, by type of customer, by market, or by the order of product introduction.
d. Competitive Review
The purpose of the competitive review is to identify the competitors, describe their market positions, and briefly discuss their strategies.
e.Distribution Review
In this section, marketers list the important channels, provide an overview of each channel arrangement, and mention any new developments or trend
- Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Opportunities
- Threats
- Objectives and Issues
- Marketing Strategy What’s the Plan?
- Positioning
- Product Strategy
- Pricing Strategy
- Distribution Strategy
- Marketing Communication Strategy
- Marketing Research
- Marketing Organization
- Budgets
- Controls
The Concept of Six Sigma on TQM/CQI
Kadidia Kone-Merchant
Keiser University
Dr. Shon Denton
Quality Management in Healthcare
Healthcare organization must offer detailed quality services to the consumers and same time protect asset and find way to minimize facility expenses. The management service must also find method to prevent waste. The Lean Six Sigma could mean excellence in quality management. It comes with six levels of quality including the variations and causes. These levels are characterized from the simple quality management to the higher championship. The Lean Six Sigma (LSS) positively affect the Total Quality Management (TQM) and the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) within the Healthcare System. These reasons are identified down below. That stated, it has a measuring method of variations for TQM and CQI. The Total Quality Management and the Continuous Quality Improvement are the two-workforce value that must use the LSS. They have many great impacts on the LSS processing all described in the body page. The initiation of the quality method and improvement management is a continuous procedure which should stay as it improves.
The Concept of Six Sigma on TQM/CQI
What is TQM:
The Total Quality Management is everyone quality work responsibility at the healthcare facility to meet consumers and patient’s expectation. It is including managing production, the supplier excellence, the productivity procedure, the consumer involvement, their review, the leader’s commitment, the plan and functioning technique, the productivity training, and all staff participation (UKessays, 2015). It is about great staffs’ relationship with outstanding work to increase the quality services, to gain consumers’ trust and better feedbacks.
What is CQI:
The Continuous Quality Improvement is the idea of healthcare facility performance and service excellence. It provides systematic assessment of the facility decision choice procedure from accuracy and activities. It does monitor all data entries for effectiveness of the information entered. CQI manages risks from service quality performance using communication strategy. It evolves great teamwork with workforce training (UKessays, 2015).
The TQM/CQI aim to increase consumers satisfaction and competitive market by regularizing the productivity procedures. According to the UKessays, (2015), the TQM and the CQI contribute to the quality of production, the patient satisfactory progress by listening to the consumers and meet their needs. This is another strategy development within market competition. The TQM/CQI have the potential to lessen costs of products, to lessen waste which is due to the poor performance. By example when employees are happy with their occupation, they would economically use the facility’s materials and equipment.
(Quality Improvement process, 2020).
Six Sigma
It is a mathematical system that distinguishes and gages variations. The Six Sigma method is to minimize those variations and procedures which can come from diverse reasons. The variations, according to Jonson, & Sollecito, (2019) are characterized by the common which are resulting from the procedures, and the special reasons they occur which has nothing to do with the procedures. These reasons are signs and subject for review. They are all over and the causes must be identified. For example: the hemoglobin level, the hormone dosage, the blood counts, blood pressures, costs, the patient behavior, errors, and incidence of disease. The Lean Six Sigma constitutes in the revolutionary quality leadership method to watch the above variation and reduce waste.
The Levels:
There are six levels of the Lean Six Sigma. 1) The white belt which is the management professional to decrease waste but no certification, yet within quality competency. 2) The yellow belt is beginner of six sigma notion with basic training and a total partisan of staffing members. 3) The green belt is a certification for growth and ameliorating production, services, and procedures. They must have the ability to comprehend issues, gaging the variants, assess pertinent data, apply ongoing and stable strategies to resolve issues. 4) The black belt prerequisite is the green belt. This means going upper level of the six sigma with more developed and large projects upgrades. This level teaches how to assess statistics in severe grasping way and oversee the green team’s project. This level upsurge the consumers’ satisfaction and the organization high potential to produce. 5) The Master black belt is an experienced Black Belt with convincing leadership and issue resolving skills that can go higher to the level Master Black Belt in LSS.
This title signals that a specialist gains a large view of approach during an organization, aligning groups across. 6) The champion is the higher-level managing leader that runs the LSS’s technique and placement. According to goals that the head executive management set, the champion level guaranteed that creativities and effort to decrease waste and eliminate faults, all join to arrange with organization’s essential for development. The champion is assisted by the Master black belts, yet councilor to the leaders concerned within the Lean Six Sigma application and then follow up on their advance (Perdue University, 2020).
The Lean Six Sigma Impact on the TQM/CQI Process in Healthcare System
One example of LSS impact in women health is the breast cancer routine check out. If a patient happened to get susceptible to breast cancer, the usual time to go through the all the procedures was about close to ten weeks. As presently, with the LSS, it takes about a week from the biopsy after mammogram and ultrasound, to the treatment including surgery, chemo, and radiation. The earlier treatment attempt contributes to better patients and clinical satisfactory result.
The resulting analysis of CQI and TQM consist of ideas and productions consequence evaluation contributes to the foundation for CQI and TQM. The organization overall evaluation maintains the determination of ongoing ameliorate the quality of the resulting for greater customer’s service.
Jonson, J. K. & Sollecito, W. A. (2019). McLaughlin and Kaluzny’s, Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care 5th edition. Burlington, MA.
Perdue University. (2020). Lean Six Sigma Online. Six Sigma Belt Level Rankings. Retrieved from:
UKessays. (2015). Improvement Management Essay. Retrieved From:
Kadidia Kone-Merchant
Keiser University
Dr. Shon Denton
Quality Management in Healthcare
Healthcare organization must offer detailed quality services to the consumers and same time protect asset and find way to minimize facility expenses. The management service must also find method to prevent waste. The Lean Six Sigma could mean excellence in quality management. It comes with six levels of quality including the variations and causes. These levels are characterized from the simple quality management to the higher championship. The Lean Six Sigma (LSS) positively affect the Total Quality Management (TQM) and the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) within the Healthcare System. These reasons are identified down below. That stated, it has a measuring method of variations for TQM and CQI. The Total Quality Management and the Continuous Quality Improvement are the two-workforce value that must use the LSS. They have many great impacts on the LSS processing all described in the body page. The initiation of the quality method and improvement management is a continuous procedure which should stay as it improves.
The Concept of Six Sigma on TQM/CQI
What is TQM:
The Total Quality Management is everyone quality work responsibility at the healthcare facility to meet consumers and patient’s expectation. It is including managing production, the supplier excellence, the productivity procedure, the consumer involvement, their review, the leader’s commitment, the plan and functioning technique, the productivity training, and all staff participation (UKessays, 2015). It is about great staffs’ relationship with outstanding work to increase the quality services, to gain consumers’ trust and better feedbacks.
What is CQI:
The Continuous Quality Improvement is the idea of healthcare facility performance and service excellence. It provides systematic assessment of the facility decision choice procedure from accuracy and activities. It does monitor all data entries for effectiveness of the information entered. CQI manages risks from service quality performance using communication strategy. It evolves great teamwork with workforce training (UKessays, 2015).
The TQM/CQI aim to increase consumers satisfaction and competitive market by regularizing the productivity procedures. According to the UKessays, (2015), the TQM and the CQI contribute to the quality of production, the patient satisfactory progress by listening to the consumers and meet their needs. This is another strategy development within market competition. The TQM/CQI have the potential to lessen costs of products, to lessen waste which is due to the poor performance. By example when employees are happy with their occupation, they would economically use the facility’s materials and equipment.
(Quality Improvement process, 2020).
Six Sigma
It is a mathematical system that distinguishes and gages variations. The Six Sigma method is to minimize those variations and procedures which can come from diverse reasons. The variations, according to Jonson, & Sollecito, (2019) are characterized by the common which are resulting from the procedures, and the special reasons they occur which has nothing to do with the procedures. These reasons are signs and subject for review. They are all over and the causes must be identified. For example: the hemoglobin level, the hormone dosage, the blood counts, blood pressures, costs, the patient behavior, errors, and incidence of disease. The Lean Six Sigma constitutes in the revolutionary quality leadership method to watch the above variation and reduce waste.
The Levels:
There are six levels of the Lean Six Sigma. 1) The white belt which is the management professional to decrease waste but no certification, yet within quality competency. 2) The yellow belt is beginner of six sigma notion with basic training and a total partisan of staffing members. 3) The green belt is a certification for growth and ameliorating production, services, and procedures. They must have the ability to comprehend issues, gaging the variants, assess pertinent data, apply ongoing and stable strategies to resolve issues. 4) The black belt prerequisite is the green belt. This means going upper level of the six sigma with more developed and large projects upgrades. This level teaches how to assess statistics in severe grasping way and oversee the green team’s project. This level upsurge the consumers’ satisfaction and the organization high potential to produce. 5) The Master black belt is an experienced Black Belt with convincing leadership and issue resolving skills that can go higher to the level Master Black Belt in LSS.
This title signals that a specialist gains a large view of approach during an organization, aligning groups across. 6) The champion is the higher-level managing leader that runs the LSS’s technique and placement. According to goals that the head executive management set, the champion level guaranteed that creativities and effort to decrease waste and eliminate faults, all join to arrange with organization’s essential for development. The champion is assisted by the Master black belts, yet councilor to the leaders concerned within the Lean Six Sigma application and then follow up on their advance (Perdue University, 2020).
The Lean Six Sigma Impact on the TQM/CQI Process in Healthcare System
One example of LSS impact in women health is the breast cancer routine check out. If a patient happened to get susceptible to breast cancer, the usual time to go through the all the procedures was about close to ten weeks. As presently, with the LSS, it takes about a week from the biopsy after mammogram and ultrasound, to the treatment including surgery, chemo, and radiation. The earlier treatment attempt contributes to better patients and clinical satisfactory result.
The resulting analysis of CQI and TQM consist of ideas and productions consequence evaluation contributes to the foundation for CQI and TQM. The organization overall evaluation maintains the determination of ongoing ameliorate the quality of the resulting for greater customer’s service.
Jonson, J. K. & Sollecito, W. A. (2019). McLaughlin and Kaluzny’s, Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care 5th edition. Burlington, MA.
Perdue University. (2020). Lean Six Sigma Online. Six Sigma Belt Level Rankings. Retrieved from:
UKessays. (2015). Improvement Management Essay. Retrieved From:
Quality Management in Healthcare - Project
Kadidia Kone-Merchant
Keiser University
Dr. Shon Denton
Quality Management in Healthcare
I learned that there are few types of healthcare environment which can be very perplexed. It is a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment that includes employees, care teams, and staffs to be managed certain ways for better outcome. The total Quality Management and the Continuous Quality Improvement in healthcare environment shall support the vision and mission statement. A managing officer must understand that a better healthcare environment is about its quality care. How can management bring this into practice and continually monitor best practice? That can be understood by interviewing a healthcare facility TQM/CQI program team including details below. The experienced management would expose important characteristics of quality care and how to measure it. Additionally, what was learned in class implicates that the focus is on the patients care, their trusts and relationship with their team care. The quality management and improvement are acquired through numerous steps of elements that guaranteed its success including possible changes to be adopted. I am learning the management strategy performances to be applied later throughout my career goal.
Quality Management in Healthcare
Healthcare Environment:
There are few types of health care facilities: the surgery ambulatory care unit is where patient is going through procedures and go home same day. The stay is shorter and less expensive compared to the hospital care. The physician’s office is where the doctors give routine check up on patients, but no surgery is provided there. It can be generalists or specialties. The urgent care center for light emergency care that cannot wait for doctor appointment. The nursing home for individuals of any age who needs constant assistance but do not need to be hospitalized. It is usually recommended for elderly, patients with disability, and other health problems. It operates twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week with same healthcare teams that provides care for them as well. The hospital facility is also operating twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week but provides intensive and emergency care for patient in life threatening situation, trauma, operations, hospitalization and more with highly trained staffs for quick responds (Top Master’s in HA, 2021).
Healthcare Facility Culture and Value
The organizational culture concept in healthcare is mainly staffs behavior and what is their priorities, their thoughts in the work environment. How they get along as one motivated team and share beneficial thoughts. Multicultural and diversity is great resource for the diverse consumers and that gives ideas about what change can be adopted for improvement. It can also be hardship, but they must know that work quality comes first and focus only to be on that, together.
A facility culture is about great communication, customer service, staff happiness, their dressing code, appearance, their uniformity, and their willingness to contribute (BMJ, 2018). I have observed that at the VA Medical Center in Orlando Lake Nona.
The Veteran Health Administration at the VA Medical Center:
The hospital environment is where I am to visit and interview its management team that is involved in the Total Quality Management and Continuous Quality Improvement committee. This is due to the fact that the facility is bigger and broader for any health problems. The hospital sees more patients, so it has the most complex quality management with various cases. I visited the Orlando FL Veterans Hospital at Lake Nona where I walked around inside the facility and I got chance to meet with the committee analysist and sourcing director assistant. This hospital is based on the veterans’ healthcare system with their own crisis line which operates 24 hours.
The hospital is very big and looks inside like a 5 stars hotels resort. Very warming and welcoming where receptionists and volunteers are sitting at all three main entrances to assist with any questions and direction needs that people may have. Facial masks are required, and hand sanitizer are available at every corner inside the hospital. Veterans patients are the military people in active service and or non-active. This facility has many care departments, and each has its unit management team. Then we have the top management, the Human Resource team, and the top administrator. The facility services are included and not limited to the pandemic responding team, sports adaptive program, the speech and audiology in pathology, the service chaplain, the center for the community living, the dental service, the unit domiciliary, the eye doctors and optometric, the house for fisher, the primary care based home care, the program for transgender, lesbian, bisexual, and guy, the military trauma including sexual trauma, the meatal health department, the program for veteran minority, the neurology service, the nutritionist care, the physical therapy, the occupational health, the pathology and laboratory service medicine, the generalist primary care, the podiatrist, the sensory aids and prosthetic services, X-ray, sleep medicine, the research service, the social workers, the nurse triage line and appointments service, the Veteran choice, and the whole health. Each of these services corresponds with an integrated managing service which are very well organized to provide VA patients with satisfactory and quality care. The services are associated with the pandemic clinical triage and prevention teams which are well adopted to adequately manage the COVID-19 (VA, 2021). The managing services are members for Total Quality Management and Continuous Quality Improvement committee.
TQM/ CQI and Managing System:
The members of the TQM/CQI / QA committee are: 1) The CEO which is the medical center director with a heavy and experience background. He is a veteran. 2) The acting associate Director to operate the facility and maintain quality program supervisory among over 1200 staffs and support VA administration. 3)The Chief staff, retired US army colonel is also a veteran Medical Doctor. 4) The Acting Associate Director for the Patient Care Services She has a master’s in business administration and took a leadership development program. 5) The Assistant Director which is accountable for the nutrition service at the Orlando VA Healthcare System. Also, she is responsible for the facility planning, the logistics the prosthetics service, the security, activations and newly renovation including the volunteering service. These top members including the departmental managers are in appropriate range of number and composition to provide a better healthcare environment which is about the quality care. They are bringing this into practice and continually monitor the practice excellence. Professionalism culture and diversity is what they stand for. To avoid issues and misunderstanding, communication is the key word, according to the analysist and sourcing director assistant. These are reasons for quality care improvement, the consumers’ trust, their satisfactions, care outcomes, the customers service relationship, and the facility overall operating system excellence.
The Technique Applied:
The Veteran healthcare’s outpatient service measures tightly their care quality following the standard requirement of the NCQA (the National Committee for Quality Assurance) and the HEDIS (Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information).
Additionally, the veteran healthcare system has been using the NCQA’ data scope to implement the area average for healthcare centers located around the nation as a complement zones enclosing in the VISN which stands for the Veterans Integrating Service Networks. VISN zones and Nationwide’s mean enable the comparison of HEDIS, Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set. The outcome for the veteran medical facility is what the patients discovers locally. The VISN local mean is originated from the quality scope status based on nationwide data in the VISN boundary. The NCGA has not authenticated yet but denies all accountability for this computation (VA, 2021).
(HEDIS, 2017)
Measuring Method
A total Quality Management and Continuous Quality Improvement success depends on the facility’s leadership direction and the measuring tools used to reach goal. The quality management and improvement are developed by management use of learning strategies to empower staff members including trainings, experiences, and ongoing study for positive change. Furthermore, the practice methodology and safety are utilized to address concerns and issues. The HEDIS is a functioning ameliorating tool for healthcare facilities and is being applied in concordance with the VISN at the VA hospital.
The accuracy of care and variations from vital signs to deeper treatment and practices like screening and testing, are all being measured. With the HEDIS, not only healthcare accessibility and obtainability are measured, but also the use and the perfection of the use are being measured for quality care purpose. Although medical errors do occur, this aims to minimize the impact. By example, a patient being readmitted after being discharged from hospital within a week demonstrate a lack of quality care. In this case, the previous plans of action would be evaluated and measured to improve future care treatments.
To easy HEDIS extend, the clinical data information that are electronically saved are also being measured for analysis’ accuracy (NCQA, 2020). The above methodology is being used to respond to the facility concerns and problem issues.
The Microsystems Evolution:
The facility previous plans of action were evaluated for success also using the microsystems dimensions. Each of these dimensions are relevant to the quality healthcare upgrade. They cover for the patient safety starting from the hospital leadership including the patient and the staffs focus with ongoing training. Additionally, the microsystem has many other dimensions like the facility organization support, the IT department, the mutuality of care team, the procedural ameliorating and productivity result, the market and the people focus (Jonson, & Sollecito, 2019). To the facility, these dimensions come handy for potential adjustments needed.
In my recommendation, I would not have done much difference but although the VA hospital prioritizes veterans first and federal workers to be considered for new positions and openings, it still needs to reward them under the CQI as rewarding does positively affect the teamwork. It is key motivation for employees to perform at their greatest stage of achievement in quality care (Jonson & Sollecito, 2019).
In conclusion, so many activities are being applied at the facility to make this hospital performing at its top level is very impressive. The CEO and the other top managing services are checking for staff credentials and their responsibility for continuous educational trainings for competency to support everyday work routine. That stated, facilities would efficiently decrease medical malpractices and errors using strategies cited above. The CEO and the facility leaders would not just talk about the quality care but would embed it and continuously sustain it from where they are to where they want to be.
HEDIS. (2019). HEDIS 2017 Behavioral Health HEDIS Measures. Retrieved from:
Jonson, J. K. & Sollecito, W. A. (2019). McLaughlin and Kaluzny’s, Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care 5th edition. Burlington, MA.
NCQA. (2020). HEDIS Measurement and Technical Resources. Retrieved from:
The BMJ. (2018). Quality Improvement. Understanding Organizational Culture for Healthcare Quality Improvement. MJ 2018; 363 DOI: (Published 28 November 2018) Cite this as: BMJ 2018;363: k4907
Top Master’s in Healthcare Administration. (2021). Ranking the Best of the MS in Healthcare Administration Programs. Retrieved from:
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2021). Orlando VA Healthcare System. Retrieved from:
Kadidia Kone-Merchant
Keiser University
Dr. Shon Denton
Quality Management in Healthcare
I learned that there are few types of healthcare environment which can be very perplexed. It is a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment that includes employees, care teams, and staffs to be managed certain ways for better outcome. The total Quality Management and the Continuous Quality Improvement in healthcare environment shall support the vision and mission statement. A managing officer must understand that a better healthcare environment is about its quality care. How can management bring this into practice and continually monitor best practice? That can be understood by interviewing a healthcare facility TQM/CQI program team including details below. The experienced management would expose important characteristics of quality care and how to measure it. Additionally, what was learned in class implicates that the focus is on the patients care, their trusts and relationship with their team care. The quality management and improvement are acquired through numerous steps of elements that guaranteed its success including possible changes to be adopted. I am learning the management strategy performances to be applied later throughout my career goal.
Quality Management in Healthcare
Healthcare Environment:
There are few types of health care facilities: the surgery ambulatory care unit is where patient is going through procedures and go home same day. The stay is shorter and less expensive compared to the hospital care. The physician’s office is where the doctors give routine check up on patients, but no surgery is provided there. It can be generalists or specialties. The urgent care center for light emergency care that cannot wait for doctor appointment. The nursing home for individuals of any age who needs constant assistance but do not need to be hospitalized. It is usually recommended for elderly, patients with disability, and other health problems. It operates twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week with same healthcare teams that provides care for them as well. The hospital facility is also operating twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week but provides intensive and emergency care for patient in life threatening situation, trauma, operations, hospitalization and more with highly trained staffs for quick responds (Top Master’s in HA, 2021).
Healthcare Facility Culture and Value
The organizational culture concept in healthcare is mainly staffs behavior and what is their priorities, their thoughts in the work environment. How they get along as one motivated team and share beneficial thoughts. Multicultural and diversity is great resource for the diverse consumers and that gives ideas about what change can be adopted for improvement. It can also be hardship, but they must know that work quality comes first and focus only to be on that, together.
A facility culture is about great communication, customer service, staff happiness, their dressing code, appearance, their uniformity, and their willingness to contribute (BMJ, 2018). I have observed that at the VA Medical Center in Orlando Lake Nona.
The Veteran Health Administration at the VA Medical Center:
The hospital environment is where I am to visit and interview its management team that is involved in the Total Quality Management and Continuous Quality Improvement committee. This is due to the fact that the facility is bigger and broader for any health problems. The hospital sees more patients, so it has the most complex quality management with various cases. I visited the Orlando FL Veterans Hospital at Lake Nona where I walked around inside the facility and I got chance to meet with the committee analysist and sourcing director assistant. This hospital is based on the veterans’ healthcare system with their own crisis line which operates 24 hours.
The hospital is very big and looks inside like a 5 stars hotels resort. Very warming and welcoming where receptionists and volunteers are sitting at all three main entrances to assist with any questions and direction needs that people may have. Facial masks are required, and hand sanitizer are available at every corner inside the hospital. Veterans patients are the military people in active service and or non-active. This facility has many care departments, and each has its unit management team. Then we have the top management, the Human Resource team, and the top administrator. The facility services are included and not limited to the pandemic responding team, sports adaptive program, the speech and audiology in pathology, the service chaplain, the center for the community living, the dental service, the unit domiciliary, the eye doctors and optometric, the house for fisher, the primary care based home care, the program for transgender, lesbian, bisexual, and guy, the military trauma including sexual trauma, the meatal health department, the program for veteran minority, the neurology service, the nutritionist care, the physical therapy, the occupational health, the pathology and laboratory service medicine, the generalist primary care, the podiatrist, the sensory aids and prosthetic services, X-ray, sleep medicine, the research service, the social workers, the nurse triage line and appointments service, the Veteran choice, and the whole health. Each of these services corresponds with an integrated managing service which are very well organized to provide VA patients with satisfactory and quality care. The services are associated with the pandemic clinical triage and prevention teams which are well adopted to adequately manage the COVID-19 (VA, 2021). The managing services are members for Total Quality Management and Continuous Quality Improvement committee.
TQM/ CQI and Managing System:
The members of the TQM/CQI / QA committee are: 1) The CEO which is the medical center director with a heavy and experience background. He is a veteran. 2) The acting associate Director to operate the facility and maintain quality program supervisory among over 1200 staffs and support VA administration. 3)The Chief staff, retired US army colonel is also a veteran Medical Doctor. 4) The Acting Associate Director for the Patient Care Services She has a master’s in business administration and took a leadership development program. 5) The Assistant Director which is accountable for the nutrition service at the Orlando VA Healthcare System. Also, she is responsible for the facility planning, the logistics the prosthetics service, the security, activations and newly renovation including the volunteering service. These top members including the departmental managers are in appropriate range of number and composition to provide a better healthcare environment which is about the quality care. They are bringing this into practice and continually monitor the practice excellence. Professionalism culture and diversity is what they stand for. To avoid issues and misunderstanding, communication is the key word, according to the analysist and sourcing director assistant. These are reasons for quality care improvement, the consumers’ trust, their satisfactions, care outcomes, the customers service relationship, and the facility overall operating system excellence.
The Technique Applied:
The Veteran healthcare’s outpatient service measures tightly their care quality following the standard requirement of the NCQA (the National Committee for Quality Assurance) and the HEDIS (Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information).
Additionally, the veteran healthcare system has been using the NCQA’ data scope to implement the area average for healthcare centers located around the nation as a complement zones enclosing in the VISN which stands for the Veterans Integrating Service Networks. VISN zones and Nationwide’s mean enable the comparison of HEDIS, Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set. The outcome for the veteran medical facility is what the patients discovers locally. The VISN local mean is originated from the quality scope status based on nationwide data in the VISN boundary. The NCGA has not authenticated yet but denies all accountability for this computation (VA, 2021).
(HEDIS, 2017)
Measuring Method
A total Quality Management and Continuous Quality Improvement success depends on the facility’s leadership direction and the measuring tools used to reach goal. The quality management and improvement are developed by management use of learning strategies to empower staff members including trainings, experiences, and ongoing study for positive change. Furthermore, the practice methodology and safety are utilized to address concerns and issues. The HEDIS is a functioning ameliorating tool for healthcare facilities and is being applied in concordance with the VISN at the VA hospital.
The accuracy of care and variations from vital signs to deeper treatment and practices like screening and testing, are all being measured. With the HEDIS, not only healthcare accessibility and obtainability are measured, but also the use and the perfection of the use are being measured for quality care purpose. Although medical errors do occur, this aims to minimize the impact. By example, a patient being readmitted after being discharged from hospital within a week demonstrate a lack of quality care. In this case, the previous plans of action would be evaluated and measured to improve future care treatments.
To easy HEDIS extend, the clinical data information that are electronically saved are also being measured for analysis’ accuracy (NCQA, 2020). The above methodology is being used to respond to the facility concerns and problem issues.
The Microsystems Evolution:
The facility previous plans of action were evaluated for success also using the microsystems dimensions. Each of these dimensions are relevant to the quality healthcare upgrade. They cover for the patient safety starting from the hospital leadership including the patient and the staffs focus with ongoing training. Additionally, the microsystem has many other dimensions like the facility organization support, the IT department, the mutuality of care team, the procedural ameliorating and productivity result, the market and the people focus (Jonson, & Sollecito, 2019). To the facility, these dimensions come handy for potential adjustments needed.
In my recommendation, I would not have done much difference but although the VA hospital prioritizes veterans first and federal workers to be considered for new positions and openings, it still needs to reward them under the CQI as rewarding does positively affect the teamwork. It is key motivation for employees to perform at their greatest stage of achievement in quality care (Jonson & Sollecito, 2019).
In conclusion, so many activities are being applied at the facility to make this hospital performing at its top level is very impressive. The CEO and the other top managing services are checking for staff credentials and their responsibility for continuous educational trainings for competency to support everyday work routine. That stated, facilities would efficiently decrease medical malpractices and errors using strategies cited above. The CEO and the facility leaders would not just talk about the quality care but would embed it and continuously sustain it from where they are to where they want to be.
HEDIS. (2019). HEDIS 2017 Behavioral Health HEDIS Measures. Retrieved from:
Jonson, J. K. & Sollecito, W. A. (2019). McLaughlin and Kaluzny’s, Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care 5th edition. Burlington, MA.
NCQA. (2020). HEDIS Measurement and Technical Resources. Retrieved from:
The BMJ. (2018). Quality Improvement. Understanding Organizational Culture for Healthcare Quality Improvement. MJ 2018; 363 DOI: (Published 28 November 2018) Cite this as: BMJ 2018;363: k4907
Top Master’s in Healthcare Administration. (2021). Ranking the Best of the MS in Healthcare Administration Programs. Retrieved from:
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2021). Orlando VA Healthcare System. Retrieved from: